Update 5.13 The Mind-Bound Invasion

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In anticipation of a larger update next week, we are only implementing one change this week:

  • auto aim and auto cast have been disabled, and all abilities are now manual cast only.

We hypothesise that this will make dungeon runs more engaging for players as abilities will need to actively be used during combat. However, we recognise this is a big change for everyone and implemented this change in such a way that it can be easily reverted if necessary. We’d love for everyone to try a few dungeon runs during this patch and fill out this feedback form to let us know your thoughts on this change: Tell us what you think of the new cast mode.

The Mind-Bound Invasion

They do not conquer with ships. They do not raze worlds. Instead, they whisper. They entwine. They grow. Travelers have begun reporting a feeling of weightlessness in their thoughts, a connection to something vast and ancient. And now, their very forms begin to change. The Mind-Bound do not force their will upon you. They only ask: Why resist?

The Mayor has spoken. Arcadia is under threat, and the city needs all the help they can get. Participate in events in Soulbound to earn Commission Credits, and to help defend your mind.

Time slotFriSatSunMonTueWedThur
1pmFishing CompForaging Comp
7pmCombat CompCombat CompMining Comp
1amFishing CompFarming Comp
Full DayEchoes in the DeepHack the planet

Bi-Weekly Cosmetic

Earned by collecting commission credits.

Monthly Cosmetic

Earned by collecting comission medals.
