Update 5.7 – Turn of the Tithes

A storm is brewing in Soulbound, and it goes by the name The Blackwake! ?‍☠️ A ruthless crew of wandering pirates named ‘The Blackwake’ have arrived in Neo-Tilus, planting their flag and declaring the town theirs. They don’t seem to be leaving anytime soon!The pirates are demanding tributes from the people in exchange for ‘protection’ […]

Update 5.5 – Chinese New Year – Lunar Festival Event

The Lunar Festival Event The Lunar New Year comes but once a year, and it has finally arrived in Soulbound! Virelda is preparing for a grand Lunar Festival to welcome the Year of the Snake; paper lanterns and the buzz of the festivities hang in the air, eagerly awaiting a new year and new opportunities. […]