Update 5.7 – Turn of the Tithes

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A storm is brewing in Soulbound, and it goes by the name The Blackwake! ?‍☠️

A ruthless crew of wandering pirates named ‘The Blackwake’ have arrived in Neo-Tilus, planting their flag and declaring the town theirs. They don’t seem to be leaving anytime soon!The pirates are demanding tributes from the people in exchange for ‘protection’ – and the Neo-Tilites? They aren’t too thrilled about it, but they’re too intimidated to refuse.

Some see an opportunity to gain favour with these pirates, while others want them gone as soon as possible. Either way, someone has to deal with their demands. That’s where you come in, Pioneers!

How to take part in the events

?You’re being called on for aid. Participate in this weeks events anywhere in Soulbound to earn Commission Credits and Medals to exchange for exciting new rewards. ?

? Event Schedule:

  • Regular events take place twice daily for 30 minutes at 7:00 PM and 1:00 AM GMT—don’t miss out!
  • The Abyssal Raid and Mining Rush run for a full hour, so gear up and make the most of them!

Time to take the plunge – venture east of Neo-Tilus to meet The Blackwake and begin this week’s event! ☠️

Fixes and improvements

  • Added a button that allows players to open mail found next to the minimap
  • Added a button that allows players to view events found next to the minimap
  • Added a button on the mini-map which opens the map
  • Increased the responsiveness of XP Gain
  • Clearer messaging on the dungeon UI on how to unlock the next dungeon
  • Modified report bug view to look more like a bug report submission form (discord only)
  • Fixed an issue where upgraded items would still be tradable
  • Players are able to interact with resource nodes from afar inside of the dungeons again
  • Timer in the chest room has been extended
  • New VFX when players complete an achievement
  • Party-up zone will prioritise groups in discord activities together
  • Added new achievements for the tutorial experience
  • Minor map cleanup from previous events
  • Achievements for reaching a certain level have been adjusted to reach the level as opposed to gaining those levels, creating a difficult experience for players already at a high level
  • Added more safety to stop mobs getting stuck in walls
  • New SFX for the buff bots
  • Consuming food has had an update to the timer and a new effect
  • Quick menu will no longer close for new players by default
  • Sped up the countdown on party up zones when there are 3 players
  • Increased validation on name validation to stop players creating offensive names
  • Blocked the ability to change names
  • Moderators can now ‘timeout’ and even ‘ban’ users that abuse the chat in game
  • Moderators can now ‘ban’ and ‘reset’ player names
  • Added the ability for moderators to change display names
  • Adjusted boss health totals for the bosses in the Tier 1 dungeons
  • Party Health bars will no longer show in the dungeon for players that have left
  • Added a new Vendor SFX for buying & selling
  • Adjusted the Slime VFX due to a minor issue
  • Fixed a hacking issue where quickly interacting could lock the player into the minigame
  • Fixed a bag issue where players lost more than expected when dying in dungeons
  • Fixed a chest issue where sometimes players would not receive the loot
  • Fixed a healing pond issue where players would not receive the health in the next room
  • Fixed stunned enemies being stuck in their sprite
  • Fixed a crafting issue where players would lose their item by interacting too quickly after it completed
  • Fixed a teleport issue where something players teleport into enclosed areas in Neo-Tilus
  • Fixed a collision issue where players could access areas in Hollow Rock unexpectedly
  • Fixed a context menu issue when opening it from the chat box would have some options hidden off screen
  • Fixed a behaviour issue with Exploding bots in Caves and Routes
  • Fixed an issue where unexpected weather effects would occur
  • Fixed an issue with the mining node interaction outline having the wrong padding
  • Fixed a dungeon issue where players could not click-to-move out of combat
  • Fixed a mailing issue where sometimes players could not claim items from the UI
  • Fixed a VFX issue related to Scrapclaw’s falling AOE attack
  • Fixed a dungeon UI issue where “Try Again” overlapped the boss’ health bar
  • Fixed a health issue where it would play the damage effect as they regenerated health
  • Fixed an issue with Gleam Twins not being rewarded in the quest “I’m Locked Up!”
  • Fixed an issue where the game was not displaying Discord names with special font characters and crashing when viewing the item
  • Fixed an issue where the beacon would not always respond
  • Fixed an issue where the game could freeze when players looked at their names tab in ‘Key items’
  • Fixed an issue with the Witch Doctor not spawning in the quest ‘The Finale’
  • Fixed an issue with the anvil spawning incorrectly in the quest ‘Lock Out’
  • Fixed an issue with the spawning of Sven outside of Teshimi
  • Added the Season 0 WeebBurger Avatars, PvP avatars and web3 hoodies back into the game as cosmetics.

Balance Changes

With the change to invincibility frames on enemies, naturally the abilities that hit in quick succession have become a lot stronger. The changes below address the buff those abilities received from that change.

  • Chakram
    • Damage scaling from 0.8 → 0.6
    • Cooldown increased from 6.4 → 6.8
  • Gleam Twins
    • Damage scaling from 0.1 → 0.08
    • Cooldown increased from 2.8 → 3.4
  • Machine Gun
    • Damage scaling from 0.38 → 0.32

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